Week 3 - 15 February 2023
Principal's Message
Kia ora Koutou
We would like to welcome Oliver to Northland school starting in Team Ruru iti.
We are pleased we are in Wellington, school is open, we have electricity and have had very little damage. Further up North has really been impacted severely by the Cyclone. No doubt many of you have family and friends who you are concerned about and our thoughts are with families.
The School TV app on our website has a special edition on flood support and recovery. You may find some of the tips helpful to minimise anxiety and have conversations about how we respond to natural disasters.
Positive Behaviour for Learning
Over the last 4 years, as part of our involvement in our Kāhui Ako, we surveyed our children and staff using the Wellbeing@School survey. We have gathered anecdotal evidence and community survey data that has indicated an area for improvement in the school climate and culture would increase student wellbeing and engagement.
The survey also highlighted that the Zones of regulation has increased awareness of emotions and knowing strategies, however further work needs to continue to help students use effective strategies to regulate and be ready for learning.
The data from both staff, children and parents indicated that while incidents of bullying, bystanding and other negative behaviours were low, we did not have a consistent school-wide approach in how we dealt with these issues. Clear expectations and understanding of steps to use restorative practices to find solutions would build stronger partnership and ownership for everyone involved.
We are addressing some of these issues through the Positive Behaviour for Learning framework. This is closely linked to our Oranga - Wellbeing Pou. We have provided more details in the PB4L section.
I would like to thank our students who have been on Road patrol since the start of the year and doing a great job. Please pay attention to the road markings and slowing down to 30km, we have observed a number of dangerous maneuvers that have put children and adults at risk. If you are able to help out before or after school on the crossing to assist with supervision please contact Jane Batchelor, janeb@northland.school.nz
At the end of last year we had a professional photographer come and take a variety of photos, over the next few weeks you will notice these on our website. We would like to thank Paul McCredie for capturing some great shots.
If you would like to come and chat or have questions or concerns please get in touch with any of the senior leadership team, Andrea, Jane and Judith.
Ngā mihi
The Positive Behaviour for Learning School-Wide framework, also known as PB4L School-Wide, is helping New Zealand schools build a culture where positive behaviour and learning is a way of life. Where school culture can be thought of as “the way things are done around here”, school climate is about “the way people feel around here”. Understanding school climate is a key part of building a new school culture.
PB4L School-Wide looks at behaviour and learning from a whole-of-school as well as an individual child perspective. The framework is based on international evidence that can be tailored to your school’s own environment and cultural needs.
It’s not about changing the students; it’s about changing the environment, systems, and practices you have in place to support them to make positive behaviour choice. You can find out more about PB4L here https://pb4l.tki.org.nz/PB4L-School-Wide
We will continue to develop our communication about events, more specific details of the programmes in teams and the celebration of our children in their learning. We are making a few changes to the way you receive information.
Emails - Please make sure you know your child’s teacher and their email so you can have regular contact as needed. Teachers will attend to emails generally after 3pm and within 24 hours as they will be teaching during the day. Sport events, western zone events, camps, team trips, cultural events will be emailed to you with details and google forms will be attached to the email if permission or parent help is required.
Phone calls - You may receive a call from the office if your child is unwell. Teachers may call you to follow up on a situation or concern. If you would like to call the teacher they will be available after 3:15, we suggest a quick email to arrange a time that will work best for you.
School Newsletter - For the next 4 weeks we will send a Weekly School newsletter out via email on a Wednesday by 4pm. From then on newsletters will be sent every fortnight. This will be sent as a link that you will need to open. The newsletter will also be uploaded to the website.
On a Friday you will be sent a link with events for the next few weeks and these will also be on the school calendar found on the website.
Team Newsletter - Teams will provide a newsletter twice a term that will provide you with information specific to the smooth running of the team and how you can be involved in supporting your child. This will be sent via Seesaw and also uploaded to the Website.
Seesaw - All families have been invited to join Seesaw by your child’s teacher. Seesaw is used across the school for sharing learning by the teacher and by children as they learn to post. At times you may also receive a quick message from the teacher eg, please remember togs tomorrow.
School Website - Please refer to this - many details such as latest news, staff, calendar, school policies. The banner is checked and changed daily. https://www.northland.school.nz/
Community Picnic - 2 March 5-7pm
We are looking forward to enjoying a picnic on Thursday 2nd March on the courts so families and staff can mix and mingle. Each team will share with you the class routine, expectations and the teaching focus for this term. It is also a chance to hear from the teachers and ask any questions if you need further information. We will cook sausages and provide bread and sauce to add to your family picnic. This will be held in the court area.
5 - 5:45 - Picnic on the courts
5:45 - Music /Kapa Haka
6:00 - Andrea, Judith, Jane share the key areas of focus for 2023 in Te Kōhanga.
6:15 - 6:30 Whānau can go and visit a team
Ruru - Judith, Emma C,Emma Mu, Emma Mc
Kōtare/ Tieke - Katie, Fiona, Angela, Jane
Year 7 / 8 - Alex, Lyndsey, Rachel - Rooms 5-7
Each team will share with you the class routine, expectations and the teaching focus for this term. It is also a chance to hear from the teachers and ask any questions if you need further information.
Library News
Scholastic Book Club Term 1 2023 - Issue 1 is out now!
FREE BOOK OFFER for Issue 1! Order via LOOP to get your free book. Spend $30 and you'll receive 1 free book. Spend $50 and you'll receive 2 free books. Spend $70 and you'll receive 3 free books. Place your order and you'll be given a list of books you can get for free.
Term 1 Issue 1 2023 catalogues have been distributed in your child's class. Deadline for orders is on 24 February 2023. Please note that we do not take paper order forms or cash payments - all orders are done online via LOOP. Please go to https://mybookclub.scholastic.
New books on display at the library
Movin' March
We will be participating in this opportunity to focus on Walking, Biking and Scootering to school. On Tuesday 28th February there will be a Bike Check - just inside the main gate on the grass area, this will be an opportunity to have your helmet, brakes and tyres checked for safety. So get ready for Wednesday 1st March and have your gear ready to go.
All bikes and scooters must be walked through the main courtyard to the bike and scooter racks outside Rooms 5-7 before and after school.
School Sport Events
The Weetbix Tryathlon is back on this year!
This is a reminder to register your child/ren to participate in the Weetbix Tryathlon this year. It's taking place on Sunday 19 March at Kilbirnie Park. I have created a Weetbix Tryathlon school group for Northland school. If you would like to register your student to be apart of our school, please follow this link. https://www.
Yummy fruit stickers and labels
Every sticker or label collected will go towards earning sports equipment for us to use at the school. There will be sticker and label collection sheets at the office for you to grab or if you'd like to print out your own, please head to https://www.yummyfruit.co.
If your child is sick or has an appointment Please contact the school OFFICE and the class teacher. You can email or phone the office directly or go through the website absent form. Ph 04 475 7596 office@northland.school.nz
Teacher Union Meetings - Wed 1st March
As the majority of staff at our school are union members, they will be attending this meeting. Although the school will not be closing, it is important that teachers who are entitled to and wish to attend this meeting are able to do so. A small number of staff will remain on site for the afternoon.
We would greatly appreciate it if parents could make alternative arrangements for children this afternoon and either collect their children from school at 1pm, or give them permission to leave at 1pm.
We have organised with Jan from Northland Kidz after school care to collect children who are enrolled with her programme at 1pm from the Tiger Turf. I appreciate the inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your support of the teaching staff.
If you are unable to make alternative arrangements for your child please contact the school office, office@northland.school.nz before Wednesday 22nd February.
BSC - Before School Care
We are very pleased to welcome Bridget Hall who will run the Before School Care for the remainder of the year. On Tuesday Bridget met the regulars and was very impressed with the library and activities that children independently did before the school day began. The cost from 7:30-8:30 is $10 or from 8-8:30, the cost is $5. We are fortunate to be able to continue to provide this for you to make your mornings run well.
Wellbeing - SchoolTV Platform
Anxiety is the topic we have selected for the next two weeks.
Anxiety refers to feelings of worry, nervousness, or a sense of apprehension, typically about an upcoming event where the outcome is uncertain, or where a young person feels he or she might not be up to the task.
The Australian Psychological Society (APS) defines anxiety as ‘commonly experienced in high pressure situations, for example, prior to a making a speech or sitting an exam. Feelings of anxiety can also arise following a stressful event, like an accident where the person is left feeling shaken. Anxious feelings are usually accompanied by physical sensations such as a churning stomach, light headedness, and a racing heart.’
SchoolDocs - Policies
SchoolDocs provides us with a comprehensive core set of policies, which have been well researched and follow the Ministry of Education National Administration Guidelines. The policies and procedures are tailored to our school, and the school supplies specific information such as our charter, and procedures for behaviour management, reporting to parents, etc.
We invite you to visit the site at https://northland.schooldocs.co.nz (note that there's no "www."). Our username is "northland" and password "orangikaupapa"
Our Value Curious - Pātaitai
Our quality is Curiosity - Curiosity is a strong desire to know or learn something. Being curious means we are open to new ideas and reflecting upon them. When we are being curious we think critically and ask questions to inquire about the world around us.
Term Dates
2023 Term 1 Tuesday 31 January - Thursday 6 April TOD Friday 17 March Term 2 Wednesday 26 April - Friday 30 June TOD Mon 24 Apr +Friday 2 June Term 3 Monday 17 July - Friday 22 September Term 4 Monday 9 Ocotber - Friday 15 December
Term 2 starts for children on the Wednesday 26 April, Monday the 24 April is a MOE teacher curriculum day and Tuesday 25 April is Anzac day.
The 2nd MOE teacher curriculum day will be in term 3 - we will advise once the date has been confirmed.
Community Notices
Children’s Used Clothing Collection 16-23 February
At the beginning of each year we focus on collecting school supplies as well as continuing summer clothing items. The dates for the next collection will be 16th - 23rd of February. Please ensure all donations are in bags and do not include items that are more suitable for the local Opp Shops.
If you have any large donations or if you notice the bin is full on certain days, Clare can be messaged directly on 021 571 665.
All items will continue to be gratefully accepted by our chosen school in the Wellington region.